Blogger Users are increasing day by day. Since, it is a free web hosting site, many peoples including us are using it frequently. Many of the bloggers are beginners. They don't have specific knowledge about blogging. So, they go on searching in Different Search Engines Like
Google And
Yahoo and search " How to Be A Professional Blogger in Just Steps" and bla bla... .
But, we can't easily be a Professional Blogger. To be a professional blogger or to Change from beginner to advanced Blogger, we must know the interior parts of the blogger. Blogger provides us different features.
They are mainly composed of Five Parts. They Are:
- Header
Header is the topmost part of the blog. When some visitors lands our blog, their eyes first picks header. So, we must be careful to make it more attractive. In my upcoming posts, i will write the ways to make our blogger header more attractive.
2. Navigation Bar (Nav-Bar)
Navigation bar is the part just below the blogger Header. It contains various tabs. Especially animated categories and pages are kept inside Nav-Bar to help user to jump from one post to another easily. As Mentioned earlier in header, I will write a post on customizing and making the blogger Nav-Bar Attractive in my upcoming posts.
3. Post Area
Post Area Is the main part of blogger. It is the area where we can show our posted tutorials. To be an advanced blogger, we must customize the post areas. I will teach you to make our post areas attractive in my upcoming posts.
4. Sidebar
Sidebar is also an important part of our blog where we can put many widgets and gadgets. We can put there Popular Posts, About The Author, Follow Me, Categories And Much More. The most interesting thing is that blogger provides us the function to encode our own codes. I will teach you to make sidebars look cool in my upcoming posts. So, stay tuned.
5. Footer
Footer is the last part of blog where user can write about themselves, give credits to others and much more. We can put our widgets also there. I will teach you to make footer look attractive although many users don''t see it.
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